
fri 1-dec-06

We made it to Hawai'i just in time. Yesterday, we traveled thru Chicago with no problem. Today, the Chicago airport was closed due to snow.

Didn't do much today. Got some supplies. The hotel no longer gives us dishes - but we are all equipped with microwave, mini fridge, coffee maker. Picked up an assortment of food supplies. OOPS, an ant just ran across my computer screen. You can not do anything about insects that land on touch screens.

Didn't take the camera out today. Maybe tomorrow.

Dial up still works from the hotel. But, I'll be looking for a better solution for at least the occasional high speed experience. There is always Starbucks.

Oh yes, the no-kitchen dinner tonite: Yellowfin tuna with sauce made with soysauce, apricot jelly, a little mustard. Also rice and a little salad. And pineapple.