
thu 1-mar-07

Rockmover wrasse.

Gee, I haven't heard anything about Anna Nicole in 24 hours. Better turn the TV on to a cable news channel!

Speaking of news... I stopped off at our condo web page. It had re posted an article from the NY Post - announcing that Hillary has rented the entire building that is right outside my window as her national campaign HQ. If nothing else, that should make for some fine theater. I am not sure that Hillary is my candidate. Maybe we do need a new face. Maybe Senator Obama is it.

Downloaded a couple of new books from the Arlington library to my non-iPod MP3 player. Now I have 24 hours of audiobooks on the MP3 player - that is enough to get me to DC even if we get stuck somewhere. (The iPod will not play downloaded audio library books. And, the iPod only has about 6 hours of battery life. The old MP3 player uses AAA batteries.) So I guess I am getting ready for the return trip.