
wed 22-aug-07

doggie water at orvis

A friend's Mom is having a really bad week. She found out she has breast cancer and while she was at the hospital having some testing - her house caught fire. Apparently the TV caught fire. Now, I don't envy the lady for her breast cancer... But, having all your stuff go up in smoke. Well, for me that might not be such a bad thing.

I am "overstuffed"... both digitally and truly. How hard can it be to just trash, donate, and generally delete stuff?

Oh, yes there is the other "overstuffed" as well. The body. But, the blood pressure is retreating back to its normal a little elevated from "Oh my gosh" - which is where it was last week.

And, I did get a mammogram. First one in a long time. Hopefully, it will be negative and I'll try to be a good person and get one done every year. All these medical procedures designed to find problem sort of annoy Carlton. He figure that by our age we have used up most of our years - so why muck up the rest of them with "procedures".

Difference between my "primary care physician" and the "clinic" that I went to. Primary care doc's nurse gives you a piece of paper and says - call up one of this places and get a mammogram. The clinic gives you a piece of paper that says "Go here at 1:15 next Monday - you will get a mammogram". The less you pay the more service you seem to get.

New fitness idea. Walk up 21 flights of stairs every day. Did it this morning. Darn taking care of the old gear takes a lot of effort. Any chance I could become a vampire? They don't seem to have any maintenance issues. I like black. Don't sleep very good at night anyhow. I'd miss lounging in the sun - but that is about it.