
tue 15-jan-08

tree trimmer

The internet service was pretty flakey for the last few days. And, I was sort of suffering for a middle of trip slump. But, the internet seems to be better. And, I talked myself out of my funk.

I am developing a great interest in Western Australia. I got a book out of the library about Australia. The first thing I read says "over 4000 species that will bite or sting you and will make you very sick or even kill you". But, that hasn't dampened my interest.

On the other hand, I am losing my tush in the stock market. Maybe I should just sell half my holding and take the money and travel around until it runs out. Sort of an updated version of ...If, of thy mortal goods, thou art bereft, And from thy slender store two loaves alone to thee are left, Sell one & from the dole, Buy Hyacinths to feed the soul...

No, really, one buys into a down market. One does not sell and take a world tour with what is left.