arlington, va

sun 9-nov-08


Spent all day yesterday installing Ubuntu on all of my computers. No, I didn't trash Windows`- dual boot.

There are issues. Major one with the tiny elderly underpowered Fujitsu P1120 is that the machine isn't powerful enough. I am going to try Puppy Linux. Oh yes, my wifi doesn't work.

On the Hp Vista Whore machine, Ubuntu seems to run pretty good. Wifi is flakey - but wifi is flakey under Vista too. The whore combines crappy hardware with a buggy OS for a totally rotten experience.

The real goal is to get a solid Linux setup on the tiny U810. I have everything working that I conisder really important except the touch screen. And, as soon as I post this - I am going to reboot and tweak again.

Three weeks from NOW I will be in Kona.