kailua-kona, hi

mon 16-feb-09

living in the past - hey its Kona

First, isn't space big enough? How could a couple of satellites accidentally run into each other?

Second, isn't the ocean big enough? How could a couple of nuclear subs accidentally run into each other.

Still very happy with Ubuntu. There have been no system crashes. Like our fav - the blue screen of death.

Firefox freezes up once a week vice once an hour under XP.

The only program that has caused any problem is Picasa. And, it really isn't a 100% Linux program. It's black Windows heart shines thru.

So, Picasa was just voted off the computer.

There are problems. The touch screen doesn't work. The computer goes to sleep and doesn't wake up. My keyboard lites don't lite up. But these are trivial.

When I get this machine home - XP will be reinstalled in a tiny partition and Ubuntu will get a larger partition,

I have not tried to get iTunes/iPod running. Don't want to risk my iPod.

I have been very careful (well, careful for Peg) about adding and tweaking stuff - if it works don't fix it - not out here in the middle of the Pacific. Where we still remember Hoover.