
sun 29-Mar-2009

The vintage Dell

The new computer is a vintage Dell Optiplex GX520. 4gig RAM. 500gig disk. Cost $199. Nicely reconditioned. With Windows XP.

I gave 400gig to XP and let Ubuntu have 100gig. I'll use XP for iTunes and my photo library. And, Ubuntu will do everything else. I am waving bye bye to Microsoft.

A vintage Dell isn't the ultimate solution. I see it becoming the file server if it proves reliable.

Yesterday, it was raining and Carlton brought me some "girl" magazines from the gym. One was a December 2008, InStyle.

Guess what was InStyle with the fashionistas? $180, 2gig swarovski crystal USB keys. Heck for another 19 bucks, I got an entire computer. Check it out.

So much for the economy.