Sunday June 3, 2001 5:48 AM
Skagway Alaska

Things were going much too nicely, yesterday I got sick. Sinus infection, cold who knows. I sent Carlton out to dinner - the Interp staff was having a potluck cookout and house warming for the new #2 guy in Intrep. He was gone less than an hour and returned reporting that he had had veggie burgers, some steak, three kinds of potato salad, many munchies and cherry cobbler. He reported that he did not have any carnivore burgers or halibut. Or Cole slaw. The guy is an eating machine.

I stayed home curled up with my nice warm computer and started on my "Ship Log". The deal is, I am going to take a picture of every ship that comes to town this summer. Most of the come more than once. They are big. They are always in the same place and don't move much. This makes them altogether good photographic targets for me. This is one heck of a lot easier than say, photographing all the town dogs.

We are supposed to be working today - but I am sure that nobody wants to be exposed to this cold thing that I have - so, I'll think up something that I can do from "home away from home office".



Today's logbook entry
maps, problems, etc
hardware/software who knows what

< yesterday tomorrow >