Thursday June 21, 2001 6:31 AM
Skagway Alaska

car washLest you think that we are completely bereft of amenities here in the frozen north...

We have a fine new car wash. It is, of course, of no value to us, since we have no car.

video storeAnd we have a handy video rental establishment. Which is, likewise, of no value to us, since we have no TV.

We also have 3 radio stations - two of which are the same. One AM station from Juneau and 2 FM NPR "Radio for the Upper Lynn Canal" stations. We do have a radio!

This is Friday for us and the Summer Solstice. Skagway is not north of the Arctic Circle so the sun does set - but not for long. And, it does not get dark.


Today's logbook entry
maps, problems, etc
hardware/software who knows what

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