I ordered up an Uber this morning. And what should arrive but a Tesla. I did not cancel. I rode. Did notice several disapproving stares. And the driver said he has gotten some negative comments recently. He also added that his Tesla was too old for Uber Black. So, that makes it a pre-Covid model. I followed my overtip rule.
Stop to smell the camellias.
The Uber was summoned to take me to visit a friend who is incarcerated in an InPatient Rehab unit. I enjoyed the rehab camellias while waiting for my return Uber. I didn’t get another Tesla. I got the usual Toyota. I over-tipped this driver as well.
Doing a lighting check.
The last challenge of the day was photographing a friend for his 60th med school graduation reunion. I always get stressed when taking pictures of people because I want them to look good.
Went back to VHC for in-person yoga this noon. And since it was a fine glorious afternoon, I walked to Ballston and took the bus home. That got me 2.5 miles of walking and some good cardio.
I am not a fan of exercise. However, these days I exercise because I can not because it need to. It is a blessing to walk 2.5 miles without pain or effort on a nice spring day.
A friend here at the Asylum had a serious accident while off-site. It was the kind of accident where they cut your clothes off of you in the Emergency Department. She was patched up and is being dispatched to another facility for rehab. She has no clothes. Just a set of hospital scrubs. We will organize a panty raid into her apartment and take her some necessities.
So, think about this people. What would your friends uncover if they had to come into your private space and find all those things that are required. Undies, electronics, chargers, cables, shoes, jammies, personal grooming products, Levis, shirts, socks, etc. I think I would just order all new stuff delivered to the rehab place from Amazon Prime. Assuming, of course, I managed to get my phone charged.
—Just for giggles I asked AI to improve what I wrote—
Exercise and I have a complicated relationship. Let’s just say I’m not naturally inclined towards it. But lately, I’ve found a new appreciation for movement. A simple 2.5-mile walk on a crisp spring day? It’s not a chore; it’s a gift. A blessing, even.
That perspective hit home hard this week. A friend here at the Asylum was involved in a serious off-site accident. The kind where emergency responders have to cut away clothing. She’s thankfully on the mend, but now faces rehab in another facility, stripped of her personal belongings. All she has are hospital scrubs.
Naturally, we’re organizing a ‘panty raid’ – a mission to gather her necessities from her apartment. Undies, chargers, comfort items, the works. It got me thinking…
What would your friends find if they had to rummage through your space, piecing together your life essentials? Think about it: the unseen foundation of our daily routines – the chargers, the comfortable shoes, the favorite pajamas, the personal care items, the reliable jeans. It’s a sobering reminder of how much we take for granted.
Honestly, if I were in her shoes, I’d probably just hit ‘Prime’ on Amazon and send a care package to the rehab center. Assuming, of course, I could find a way to charge my phone.
It’s a stark reminder that sometimes, the ability to do something as simple as walk or access our belongings is a privilege, not a given. Cherish those moments, and maybe, just maybe, keep your phone charger handy.
Feeling a little down today. My trigeminal neuralgia is letting me know that it’s still around. For a few days I hoped it was gone for a while. And, it’s damp and gray. Not my kind of weather.
I didn’t make much progress in my 10-year Spring Cleaning project today. I could only rouse myself enough to attack a small wooden bowl that held jewelry bits and pieces. All that remains is my diamond ring, Carlton’s wedding ring, and Carlton’s company tie-tack.
Last Monday an Asylum resident stood up to DOGE. He was fired and escorted out of his office building by men with guns. His car is still in that office building’s garage. His wife doesn’t want him to return to the building so she is going try to get his car out of the building garage. Most likely easier said than done, but old people are tough.
A man and his dog. Just imagine they are looking at a chain link fence with a parking lot on the other side. (Thanks Steve!)
Normal Sunday for this Old Bat. Still working, little by little on my 10-year spring cleaning project. Today’s targets: my greeting card box, over the microwave cabinet, over the fridge cabinet. My rule is: everything comes out and at least one thing is not allowed back in. This is not a serious “declutter” exercise. Just a question: Why do I have this? I have gotten rid of all manner of weird things. And most of the stuff ended up in the trash. Very little is good enough for the thrift shop.
The obligatory annual hellebores photo.I have enjoyed having the squirrel up top for a couple of weeks. Time for a change.
Another spring day. I am reminded of one of my favorite films of all times The Producers. The 1967 version. And that wonderful song and dance scene “Springtime for Hitler”. Seems appropriate.
Dear Old People. Get rid of your crap yourself. Don’t leave it for your kids. All the kids want is the cash.
Doing a couple of quick laps around the building this morning when I came upon this pile of crap that some poor soul was moving out of a relative’s apartment. Who needs TWO fake Xmas trees?
I am still on my “one discrete area per day” of cleaning. Today’s target was under the kitchen sink.
Today’s origami came from the Washington Post. A cherry blossom.
Easy to make. Most likely that is the best thing in today’s paper. Maybe the best thing in the paper all month.
7:15PM Last night after dinner. The sun was blazing off the glass buildings.
And, I just noticed I caught a plane. Of course, I love seeing the sun on the buildings back in my old neighborhood. (It would be better if the plane were on the left side of the image. I could fix it in Photoshop, but whatever happens, is what I planned.)
Grateful that I am able to do everything that I need to do and a lot of the things that I want to do.
Speaking of the old neighborhood… Exactly 10 years ago on March 20, 2015, I was gearing up to try to move to Goodwin House. Carlton told me to “Move to Goodwin House when the lease is up”. But, I got off the point of this paragraph. At the very end of the 3/20/15 post I wrote: “I am feeling very mortal. I really am down to my last 10 years of ‘good time’ – if I am lucky. Gotta make the most of the end of days.”
I believe I did make good use of those 10 good years. Do I have another 10 years of “good time”? I doubt it. But I am still going to make the most of the end of days.
A little walk in the “woods” this afternoon.
Today’s main event was a nice 4-mile walk and a boatload of “cardio points” on my watch.
If I don’t look to see what is happening outside my tiny bubble, things are good today.
3.5+ miles walk, nap, nice lunch, helped a friend with a new computer, cleaned out one of my kitchen cabinets.
About this cabinet cleaning. Yesterday, I cleaned out the under-bathroom sink cabinet. Today, I did one of the kitchen cabinets. There is a vague plan starting. I am coming up on 10 years here at The Asylum. It’s time to assess my stuff. And ask myself – do I really need this anymore? So, I’ll try to empty one cabinet, drawer, or shelf everyday. And only put back stuff that is actually needed. Stuff that has been used since Covid, maybe?
We’ll see how this plan works out.
Eggs! We have eggs. Who knew how happy I would be to have poached eggs for brekkie?
The orchids make me happy. Especially when they are all watered and blooming madly. But, the morning news was too depressing. I was so depressed that I cleaned out under my bathroom sink. I don’t believe that I have ever cleaned it out. So, that’s good. I channeled my disgust in a positive manner. Score one point for me.
A Little Library. And an azalea bush. Happy things.
Went to in person yoga today. That’s good. Getting out of The Asylum is good. Walked a little over a mile to catch the bus home and went past a Little Library. Little Libraries are good. They make as positive statement about the people who live in the neighborhood.
Drank wine this afternoon. We were told that if the tariffs go on European wines, the prices will go up immediately and no more European wines will come into the country. The wines, from Spain, were good. The info about tariffs not good. Not that I’ll will miss European wines. But what about Guinness?
56. That’s how many days it’s been since January 20, 2025. How long would it take to restore sanity if the madness stopped at this instant?
Looking ahead. Wreckage of the future. Invade Greenland and go to war with NATO, US troops firing on US citizens, Martial Law, Civil War? Or maybe we the people keep on doom-scrolling.