

Initial phase ember parrot fish and a terminal phase Xmas wrasse. The Xmas wrasse enjoys the same coral based diet as the much larger and toothier parrot fish – so it hangs around to scarf up scraps.

Elizabeth Edwards – peace and comfort.


The Swimmer

Lazy Sunday. Swim a little. Watch football a little. Read a little. Nap a little. Eat spam and rice for lunch. Nuke some shark for dinner. Finish up the rest of the pineapple. Play Angry Birds a very little. Life is good.

Not so good for one of the drunks, Danny,  who lives on the ground floor. The maids found him passed out in front of his room – sans clothing. The cops came. The paramedics came. Danny left. We don’t know if he was dead or alive.

I told you we stay in a very elegant hotel!

From Kona

Seems more like Vegas

Too bad that I don’t have a car. Maybe they could pray for a car for me! I guess this is just the Protestant version of buying an indulgence. Actually, the Vegas connection is OK. More Hawaiians live in Las Vegas than in Hawaii. Honest.

Highlight of today – I got a really good pineapple at the Farmers Market. Simple pleasures.

Got Internet at this instant

Bird of Paradise

Updated my version of WordPress just before the internet went south – and now my theme looks a little strange. Oh well, whatever happened is what I planned.

Not much going on here. The ocean has kicked up again – so not much reason to take the camera out for a swim. I have been passing the time in a normal laid back Hawaiian kine way.

Friends who show up from Wyoming every year for a couple of weeks around Thanksgiving – they spend all day everyday just sitting on the deck, reading. And in the late afternoon – they play board games. I think I would like that. Well, maybe not the game part – but, Carlton would go bat-shit if that was all I did. “You could read at home, you know.” He would say that.

Had some splendid microwaved yellowfin tuna for our late lunch today. With avocado and tomato. And some black beans with salsa. Altogether a fine meal. On the food front I have fallen madly in love with whole milk greek yogurt. I tried the 0% fat kind – it wasn’t nearly as good. I am guessing the my local supermarket gets the yogurt from California. Nothing milk based is real popular in Hawaii. When I lived here in the 60s – we didn’t really have milk. (We didn’t have cows). Now they have a few cows and get milk shipped in by air from the west coast – but it is still too expensive to take very seriously. So, cold cereal eating is on hold until we get back to Arlington.

Maybe I’ll pass on the papaya

Papayas for Miss Piggy

Out on a walk, I spied a truck full of Papayas. Upon closer inspection, it appears that they are going to be pig food. But, honestly, papaya are almost free in Kona so why not use them for pig chow.

Had shark with avocado and tomato for a late lunch today. That is as close as I came to fish today. Not trusting the ocean to be jellyfish free – I did my swimming in the pool.

bored with fish

clump of yellowtangs

It is 18:40 here. I have been sorting, culling and tweaking fish photos since 15:00. I am bored with the process. So, it is time to stop.

I’ll not be collecting more fish tomorrow because the weather forecast includes “chance of jellyfish”. I am a definite jellyfish wimp. But, the last few days have provided some good underwater photography conditions.

Like I did not do Black Friday Shopping – I did not do Cyber Monday Shopping today. I did go grocery shopping. After doing the laundry and defrosting the minifridge. I think I made 14 trips up and down the stairs today. That is either 3 or 4 flights – depending on where I start from. Tomorrow will be a lazy day. I was planning on taking the bus to a “better” snorkel locale – that was before the “chance of jellyfish” forecast.


Lined Butterflyfish

Finally getting some good underwater conditions. After one month – it is about time. I don’t like to change out the battery and/or memory card in the room. I usually take it to the nicely chilled library on Fridays for the swap. So, this fish is from last week – when conditions were less than optimal. Hope that the images that I made yesterday and today will be better.

For the first time in over 50 years – Carlton has survived without a car for an entire month. More news from the Carlton front. He is has had two (2) cell phone conversations within the last two weeks. I suggested that maybe he should learn how to actually make a call on my cell. He said “that might be prudent”.

Today’s exciting dinner was chicken, rice, avocado, and mirliton (chayote) with lots of pepper. Upcoming next week – do laundry and defrost the mini-fridge. And eat avocado. Lots of avocado. The avocado fairy made a visit.

Do the right thing: You know you would miss wikipedia if it went byebye… so, send them a little donation…


Sunset From Ali'i Drive

Carlton is “working” tonight. So, I took a little sunset stroll around town. Kailua town is doing more business than it was at this time last year. Its not “laissez les bons temps rouler,” but it is better.

Didn’t do much today or yesterday for that matter. Honestly, haven’t done much for the last 4 weeks.

One thing I did not do yesterday or today is shop neither online nor instore. Even here in the middle of the Pacific – Black Friday madness runs amuck…

Thanksgiving 2010

Java Sparrow

The Java Sparrow is an import from southeast asia. It is considered a pest bird. But, if you are not growing a grain crop or concerned about native species it is a lovely cheerful little addition to the island.

Thanksgiving was good. Pork roast, green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls, gravy, cranberry sauce. No pumpkin pie. I figured that Carlton would fuss about the lack of ice cream and/or whipped cream to go with the pie. Figured it was easier to just forgo the dessert course. But, it wasn’t just eating. There was football and beach time and napping.

Rainy Afternoon

We are having a rainy afternoon.

It started raining this afternoon. So, I started on our Thanksgiving Dinner. (I prepared the green beans. Genuine grown in Hawaii green beans. We’ll be having green beans, pork roast, and mashed potatoes – plus cranberry sauce and gravy. No mean trick with only a microwave and a couple of dull knives.)

Its beginning to look like Xmas - So let us post process

And, then I messed around with the computer – continuing my quest for perfect computer file organization. Yeah, like that is ever going to happen.

Shameless Self Promotion

Gion Matsuri - Kyoto

Shameless self promo – This little image won a modest contest.

Well, I just reinstalled Xmarks on this computer. I was really sad when they announced they were going out of business. But, they  seem to have been revived. Its a miracle. Who says I ain’t religious?

I have a two prong plan to keep be from sinking into depression about the “state of the union”.

  1. I will ignore all persons named Palin and any reference to said persons. Sorry Michael. You gotta go too.
  2. And, I’ll stop reading Paul Krugman’s column in the Times.

Life is good out in the middle of the Pacific. As long as I adhere to the aforementioned plan.