I think this is some sort of triggerfish. It has been hanging out around the pier most of the winter. And, I have been trying to figure out what triggerfish it is. It might be a filefish. But, I don’t know what kind of filefish it might be either.
Sort of a do nothing day today. This is the last day of Carlton’s “weekend”.
Our Swiss friend, Philip – who is sailing around the world – is sailing away this evening. Heading for Hana, Maui. He has a webpage. Check it out. I should use Philip as an inspiration for one of my bucket list entries – go around the world by plane. Or at a minimum take the train across the US and come back across Canada.
Not really such a long way by local standards, but I have never ventured out that far. I took my camera. But the tunas were too deep for the camera, no manta rays swam by either. I did get scared by a turtle.
Here in “Keep Kona Country” land – we have parking lot chickens.
Lots of marine mammals today. We had lots of dolphins and at least 6 whales out in the bay/ocean. You could actually see whales and dolphins without moving the binoculars. I have lots of pictures of “where the whale was” and “where the dolphins were jumping”. I looked at them and sent them directly to the trash can. Last thing I need is more mediocre images to catalog.
Like many end of the earth islands – we have lots of old cars in Kona. Oh, it isn’t like Cuba – but we have more than our share. And, they are driven around on daily chores. Not kept in air-conditioned garages.
The island does not have a Chevy dealership. But we do have a BMW dealer. Don’t know what that means. But, if your Chevy breaks. You take it to the Toyota dealer.
I had such a great snorkel adventure yesterday, that I decided to swim farther out today. There are various floats, markers, and bouys in the bay – so you can keep track of your progress. I got out as far as the tunas and manta rays – but not far enough to meet up with the dolphins. Actually there was only one manta ray, but five or six big eyed tuna. Fortunately tuna is not on today’s menu.
Today’s menu – some veggies and chicken with a little cheese sauce were nuked for lunch and dinner will be turkey sandwiches.
Hammered in the market this week. I was a buyer on day one and two of the meltdown. Today, I did nothing – but I am thinking that I should have been a seller. But, I was swimming while the market was diving this morning.
New things that I still like: WordPress, the Mac, and Lightroom. I guess change is good.
Somethings don’t change – I am still culling, cataloging and converting a decades worth of digital images into Lightroom. Prayer to the goddess – please make my LR 3.0 beta catalog compatible with the actual release.
Nothing like a good day of snorkeling to help one out of a funk. Just off our pier there is a very good place to snorkel. But, I have never been to that spot because the water always looked a little unfriendly too me. Too many rocks, waves and sea urchins. Also no friendly beach to retreat to. But, I have been practicing my swimming this winter. And I have my wet suit. So, I swam out there for a looksee. Spent an hour out in the area. The water was nice and clear. But, there were not too many fish around. Main thing is, I got over my fear of that area. And, I am getting out of my minor depression. Next time the water is relatively calm – I’ll go again.
Food fairy provided one small turkey sandwich today. So, I added some broccoli and carrots and a little rice and called it lunch. Which we eat at 3:15 because that is when Carlton gets home from volunteering. And, since Carlton only eats at home – he will not take his lunch with him. Therefore, lunch is at 3:15. Dinner is at 8:45. Tonight’s dinner will be – maybe – a tuna and avocado salad with some chips. Chips will make it special. I get us one “single serving” bag of chips every week … we share it. Hope that will not cause the food police to hunt me down.
“They” were “repairing” the end of the pier for the last couple of months. But, it is all “fixed” now and the characters are back. The woman is an old Japanese lady who comes down and fishes for her family supper.
Today I decided to take a little trip to Lanai. Then I discovered that “you can not get there from here”. Actually you can get there – it just takes 3 planes and 2 different airlines. And $350. Lanai is about 50 miles away. So much for a trip to Lanai to get me out of my funk.
So, I went for a nice walk. Went for a swim. Took a nap and cooked fish, rice, carrots and spinach for lunch.
With so much at stake maybe I’ll just leave now. Rest easy Robert B. Parker.
Another photo from poolside – these two gents come every winter from Minnesota and they seem to engage in a month long suntanning contest. Chairs are staked out before the sun peaks over the mountain. The men arrive with the first rays and remain in position until noon.
Where did the hope go? Was it only one year ago that Obama moved into the White House? And now, Massachusetts has elected a republican. We spent one summer in Lowell Mass – and they were in the midst of a hot race for governor. I remember that the locals said “We always elect the best looking candidate – not the best candidate.”
Been trying to cheer myself up by planning a “Peg’s Ultimate Old Lady Trip” for my 66th year.
I am swamped by my old images. Just when I think I am making headway – more appear. I am sinking into funk. A jpg induced coma. And a mosquito just floated by – but I missed it – with my luck – it is bearing dengue fever. That would be something to get into a funk over.
The free entertainment goddess provided a pretty good old-timer rock and roll band of the “garage” variety this afternoon.
The food fairy provided lots of avocado and oranges.
Life is good. But, don’t worry – I’ll find something to complain about soon. I was just thinking “Maybe I just try to be less cynical?” I’ll take to my bed until that idea passes!
Today, two events. A high school canoe race and a friend’s 88th birthday party.
Got an invitation to a friend’s spouse’s swearing in ceremony. She is going to be an ambassador. Not one of the “political” posts that you get for being a big contributor – but a “career” post. Never the less, it is a fine honor and a great way to top off a career. When I was growing up – no way a woman could snag a “career” ambassador posting.
I would like to pop back to Arlington and go – I mean, how many ambassadors do I know? Carlton doesn’t think that it makes sense. But, does anything really make sense???
Speaking of making sense – I have been thinking about quantum physics for the last week. (Why can’t I just do Suduko like most old ladies?) Long live Schrodinger’s cat.
Nobody is promised tomorrow. No palm tree is promised tomorrow either. I just finished culling and cataloging recent pictures and found this rather ordinary sunset picture. But, it is special because the next day the palm was cut down. Enjoy every sandwich – Warren Zevon.