Last word on Xmas Parade

Kona Xmas Parade - 2009
Winner of the Marching Unit Prize - 2 guys from the KofC

The newspaper listed the Xmas parade winners. Two guys from the Knights of Columbus won the “marching” category. I am guessing they won based on style. These two guys are most likely the only men in Kona who own suits – much less – tuxedos.

They did look good and were damn jolly.

I got another bag of meatballs from the food fairy this morning.

And, a sure sign of the season – one of Paul Allen’s “small” yachts showed up in our bay.

man eats shark

a palace xmas
Xmas at Hulihe'e Palace

Man eats shark today. Well, Carlton eats shark. I was careful not to tell him it was shark until he had scarfed it down. And a little Thai peanut sauce was added to spice it up.

Actually shark is a mild (flavorless?) firm white fish. Shark is much cheaper than tuna at this time of year. And, Thai peanut sauce takes care of the flavor problem.

Still more from the xmas parade

Kona Xmas Parade - 2009
Killer Angels

In the Pagans vs Christians Holiday Parade – this is my favorite Christian entry – giant killer angels. The angels passed out “Test-a-mints”. Of course, I took some. Didn’t read the bible verse — but gobbled down the mint part.

Since we are on the Christian theme – wouldn’t it be great if Oral Roberts came back from the dead?

More Xmas Parade

Christmas Cockroach
Xmas Parade - It's a cockroach

Another Pagan entry in the Xmas Parade – Marching Cockroaches. The Marching Roaches  handed out candy. Not roach holders. I told you Xmas was different here in exciting downtown Kona.

Still loving my wetsuit. Toasty warm and extra floaty.

Also starting to really like Lightroom. I am trying to get my existing image catalog converted and to sort of keep up with entering the new images.

Just started listening to Anna Karenina on the iPod. I snagged a copy (35 hours) for 95 cents from iTunes last fall. I am petty sure I couldn’t read my way thru it. We’ll see if I can listen my way thru.

Lack of progress in the health care area is depressing. It will be another 20 years before anyone has the guts to try again.

I’ll not live long enough to see it happen.

I’ll also not live long enough to see how all the tattoos that the young people are getting turn out when they get old, fatter, and saggy. There is bound to be money to be made in 2030 on this. If I knew how to play it I could invest $1,000 now and make my granddaughters very rich old women.

The Xmas Parade

Kona Xmas Parade
Kona Xmas Parade - Beer Bimbos

Our annual wacky Xmas Parade. It is sort of a Pagans vs Christians contest. But, it is all good fun. There were 78 entries. From marching Cub Scouts to decorated concrete mixers.

Just another day at the beach

Better Stuff
Someone always has better gear

Unexpected consequences. Consequences of losing 20 pounds that is.

  1. I don’t float so good anymore.
  2. And, I get cold in the water faster. So blubber must be a good thing for marine mammals.
  3. I spend more time taking care of the old equipment. Waxing, buffing, oiling, polishing etc. Am I a car or a woman? Is there yet another bikini wax in my future? I think not.
  4. Been spending a little more on clothes too.

Note to Jane Fonda – Sorry that you find sex better in your 70’s than ever before. You must have had some sorry-ass sex earlier. No complaints on the sex front from me. But, it isn’t “better than ever”.

I always wanted to see the May Day Parade in the Soviet Union. On May 9, 2010 the “New Improved” Russia will have a parade to mark the 65th anniversary on the end of WWII. Thinking it might be a good substitute. Question is can I get it together enough to go. It isn’t like deciding to go to the Rose Parade. (Which was never on my Bucket List)

So Kona 3

From the Sunday Paper
From the Sunday Paper

Suffered from lack of internet last night. Oh well, I should be glad that we have any internet. Thank you St. Syncronious. (What you never heard of St Syncronious – patron saint of communications?)

One of Kona’s most popular bumper stickers is “Keep Kona Country”. Seems to me that as long as the paper has a help wanted for a shepherd they got no worries on that front.

We also have our serious nut cases. And where else would the band’s uniforms fall out of a pickup truck?

Kona is not like the rest of America. It is like Kona. About as far away as you can get.

Weekend ending

Sunset from our room

I don’t understand all I know about my wifi here in the hotel. Seems to me, when you connect to the wifi, you get an IP Address. Also seems to me that one of the addresses works much better than others. So, you have to turn off the airport and connect over and over until you happen to get the “good” address. But, I might be wrong.

Our weekend is over. Carlton goes back to “work” tomorrow. Oh yes, our most beloved surf contest went off today. The Eddie ran today and a guy from California won. $55,ooo. Not bad for a day of surfing. 30,000 people showed up to watch. Which is really hard to imagine. Lots of folk must have called in “sick”. And since everyone had to get to the contest by car – some must have called in “stuck in traffic”. Anyhow, this is the first time since 2004 that the waves were big enough for the contest.

I tried out the wetsuit. It is great. Love it. I float better and don’t get cold. Also provides some protection against jelly fish. Not to mention that  what is essentially a black girdle is very slimming!

OOPS, we have people on our floor. Since we arrived November 7, we have been the only people on our floor. Heck, several nights we were the only guests in our building. (Some hotel staff live in the building) Well, I do want the hotel to stay in business – so, I’ll allow people on our floor.

Weak wifi today

The wifi connection is flakey today. For some reason, the iPod works better. Guess the mobile content uses less bandwidth.

Sunday but not much sun or fun

Body Boarders 2
More surfers from Honl's yesterday.

We had a shortage of sun today. But, I needed a day off from glorious weather.

Today’s non-fun was provided by the heretofore faithful Airness. I turned it on about mid-day and it started fussing that the computer date was earlier than the actual date. And all sorts of processes that I didn’t recognize started whining about lack of access to this or that. And when I tried to get to the internet Safari and Firefox both fussed about “certificate” problems.

Now, if this were a PC – I’d suspect a virus. But, hey this is a Mac. Macs “just work”. This was not “just working”. And, I don’t have a clue where to start trying to get the bad boy going again. Ok. Manually set the date and time. Turn off the wireless. Power down and make coffee. Drink coffee. Restart. Well, that stopped all the fussing. A little research and I discover that some evil power screwed up a bunch of the file permissions. I pushed the “fix-em” button and everything seems to be better. But, I am not a happy person since I haven’t a clue as to what happened.

Surf’s Up

Body Boarders
Surf's up at Honl's

We had surf again today. Lots of surf for our surf deprived island. Where I thought that the surfers would be today was outside my walking limit. But, the body boarders were out in force about one mile down the road from our hotel. Well within my walking range.

Every now and again something comes along that is too good to be free. Readability is one of those things. It is a little javascript bookmarklet that converts what you are trying to read into something you actually can read. It works great with Safari and Firefox.

If you read stuff online  – check it out.

Readability is especially nice for those of us with “mature” eyes.

Dinner (which due to Carlton’s work schedule is at 3:15) was meatballs, broccoli, and rice. Sandwiches on tap for later this evening.


Today the food fairy left a fund raiser bento lunch. Not the best bento ever. Maybe one of the worse bento boxes ever. Some days free food is worth what it costs. But, the rice was good. Food fairy also delivered some Xmas cookies which seemed to be chocolate covered All Bran.

But, let us have a nice postcardy picture.

Sun and Surf
A fine sunny day with sweet waves

We are still having wave action. And, it seems like the waves will be around until Monday. So, the wetsuit remains high and dry.