Day 1

Yesterday evening the Airness had several kernal panics and black screen of death events.

The aforementioned events contined this morning. Until it would not start at all. Just made pitiful beeps.

The Airness went off to the shop this morning. Hope it will be back by November 9 or 10.

All Settled In

Kona, A Little Drinking Village With a Fishing Problem

Uneventful transit from Arlington to winter quarters. I finally have everything settled in. Got my exercise getting the “kitchen” stocked. Got the kitchen stocked enough to make rice, meatball – with ginger sauce, and a nice salad for lunch.

Happy Birthday

Humuhumunukanukaapua'a - Picasso Trigger Fish.

67 today. Put my photo scanning project in mothballs until next winter. I did about 2,200 images. Washed the clothes that are staying behind. Decided that I’ll give up my short-shorts before I turn 70. The short-shorts stay here in Hawaii where it is OK for old women to wear really short shorts. But, 70 is pushing it for micro shorts, even in Hawaii.

Our local volcano is still showing off. This sort of thing happens every once in a while and usually only lasts a day or two. But, it is a volcano. One never knows.

The Last Sunday

Tiny Bubbles

Yesterday was a rainy and internetless day. So, I ticked off several items from my going home 2do list.

Fire and Ice – yesterday and today.

On top of Mauna Kea – had snow.

And, our local volcano started spitting out lava – to go with the vog – late yesterday afternoon.

Both of these events are  very temporary in nature and might be gone by the time you look. Or it might be dark, foggy or voggy.

Had our Last Supper at noon today – fish, rice, tomatoes and avocado. We are now in salad and sandwich mode.

Those of you who drive cars – our gas costs a tad over four dollars a gallon.

How Many Pictures of Yellowtangs…

Yellowtangs, Goldring Surgeonfish, Yellowtail Coris

How many pictures of yellowtangs do I need? A lot fewer than I have that is for sure.

Had a strange morning. One of the local homeless guys invited me out to breakfast this morning. His treat. He had the “special” and two bottles of beer. I had french toast and about four cups of fine Kona coffee. And, I think we both had a good time. Think about it. A homeless man bought me breakfast. There must be a lesson here for me.

Then I went off and scanned more photos.

Tomorrow – I begin serious going back home prep. I think it might be rainy. Rainy would keep me in the room. Which might help with the sorting, boxing, shipping, packing, tossing…

The sun came up this morning

This morning - sunrise

We rarely have a sunrise worth getting up for on this side of the island. A combination of  geography and vog, I think. The sun just appears. No fiery preview. But, this morning – a sunrise.

Today I did going back home chores. Returned books to the library, went to WalMart for cheap underdrawers, to the drug store for my favorite coconut oil. Plus the normal treks to farm market and grocery.

The new iPad. I thought I would be wanting one. But, I am not. This is subject to change when I get back home and visit the Apple Store.

Another thing I am not interested in is the NFL/players lockout. The Millionaires vs The Billionaires. Give me a break. It is as silly as the daughter of she who must not be mentioned “writing” a book.


Yellow Tangs and Yellow Phase Trumpet Fish

One week from now – we’ll be halfway back to Arlington. Just about ready to get on a plane heading from Seattle to Atlanta. I really hate the airlines.

But, before I complain too much… I am very old. I remember flying across the Atlantic on a plane with propellers. I remember crossing the Atlantic on a boat. I remember when a ticket on every airline  was the same high price. Really crappy routing is the cost of “free” enterprise and the cheapest possible ticket.

How can I leave this?

A nice sunset

Spent most of the day scanning old photos at our local palace. I have done about 1,000 so far. Shoe boxes hold lots of forgettable images.

We had little meatball subs and chocolate pie for lunch today. Tuna, rice, avocado and papaya on tap for dinner. Did I mention that there is a diet in my future??? Hope I still fit in the jeans. I might should start the diet before the sunsets tonight.

Been wondering if I should backup my Gmail account. Since Gmail seems to have wiped out 150,000 account over the weekend. Already back up my addressbook – from time to time. At my age, I have more things to worry about than losing my emails. So, I’ll not backup my Gmail.

Looking forward to finding out about the new iPad on Wednesday. She who dies with the most toys – wins.

Going Home – March 9

The Dock of the Bay

Yesterday I finally got us tickets home. Leaving March 9 arriving in Baltimore March 10. One can get from the Baltimore airport to our apartment using one bus and two subways. I got us a good price. No strike that – I got us the best price I have seen in a couple of weeks. And, the routing is only slightly silly. Kona to Seattle to Atlanta to Baltimore – then to the 1 hour bus/subway/subway trek to our apartment. All that for less than 400 bucks each. Not great – but not too bad either.

I have a feeling that there will be a diet waiting for me when back home. The wetsuit is starting to feel a little tight – even for a wetsuit. And, I’ll not be buying a larger wetsuit.

Had nice shark steaks yesterday and our beloved Spam Musubi was today’s main event. Chicken katsu is on tap for dinner. Papaya, avocado, too. And lettuce. I went to a rummage sale this morning and came away with two bunches of leaf lettuce. That is pretty Kona-kine behavior. One donates what one can to the local swim club rummage sale. And, one of our local lettuce farmers donated a case of mighty fine lettuce. Sure beats donating a pair of  Speedos with sprung elastic!

Whale 2day

Whale as seen from the hotel room this morning
Where the Whale Was- Looks a lot like "where the dolphin was"
What 7 dollars gets you at the farm market. On a good day.

We woke up at 5am today. Huge rainstorm… Even lightning. Lightning is very unusual out this way. By 9am – it was over. But, it remained cool all day.

Had poke, rice, avocado and banana for lunch. (The Hawaiian poke – which is our local-kine sashimi – not West Virginia poke weed)

From Last Sunday

Some old time R&R
A little hula
And a shave ice

Life is good.

An Exit Strategy from Kona:

Eat fish, avocado and papaya everyday until we leave. Oh yeah – eat pineapple everyday too. And maybe someday actually get plane tickets.