Dolphins Today

Dolphins everywhere
Where the dolphin was
Jumping out by Jack's Old Boat

After spending most of the day scanning mediocore snapshots – I went out and sat on the end of the pier and watched the dolphins at play.

Jumping out by Kalani's strange boat
Just Jumping

Someday, someday, I might get brave enough to jump off the pier and swim out to visit the dolphins. Not worried about being hurt by the dolphins. Worried about over estimating my swimming prowess. These shots were taken with 300 mm zoom.

Free Chickens

From the West Hawaii Today

A fine slice of the Kona life. Why do I think that the chickens don’t belong to the person who placed the ad in the paper?

Good news… The USB memory key that went AWOL yesterday reappeared today. And, it reappeared before I hiked up the hill to WalMart for a replacement. Life is serene again.

Speaking of the serene life. Yesterday I started wondering about my life philosophy. I am not a person of faith. I would be considered an atheist, a freethinker, a secular humanist, None of the Above, or a plain old pagan. I have as much faith the tree as I do in the dude who was nailed to it. But, how, as a faithless old woman, how do I get along in the world…

In a single word “NEXT”. I think that NEXT sums up my outlook. No matter what has happened. What happens NEXT is where I focus. NEXT would be a great thing to have on one’s tomb stone. Assuming one had a tomb stone.

And then there are the three trite guiding rules:

  1. I can always have the last word – sometimes the last word has to be “Aye aye, Sir”.
  2. It’s a white man’s world and the sooner I accept that the happier I am. (It doesn’t always have to read white man’s world. It  could be someone else’s world at the moment, but for most of my life “white man” worked fine.)
  3. Nobody is promised tomorrow.

And, that really is about all there is to my operational plan for a reasonable life.


A Good Day for Family Album Shots

Yesterday, I spent way too much time swathed in my long white dress with my best hat on my head, my ceremonial nuts around my neck and my feet blessedly unshod. Details at

Hard thing was behaving like a lady for 6 hours. And, the Daughters of Hawai`i  think that one’s legs should not go all the way from the ground to the crotch… And, if one’s legs do go from ground to crotch – then one must wear a slip under one’s long white dress to conceal that fact. I can barely manage the dress part. I don’t own a slip. Haven’t owned a slip in at least 40 years. Much less a floor length white one. So, I spent all day hopping around like a mermaid so no one would report me to the slip police. (In fact one lady brought a slip of me to borrow…) I am so not a lady.

Somewhere between yesterday evening and noon today – I lost my 32gig usb memory drive. I think I must have left it on the bed and when the sheets got changed today – it went out with sheets to the hotel laundry. The good news is that there were only pictures on the drive. And I think that I have copies of everything here or there. I had it all set up to use with my photo scanning project – I think, hope, that everything is over at the palace on their elderly computer. Peggy and USB memory keys don’t mix. Dropbox is for me.

A Dark Day in 1893

US Marines "Storm" Iolani Palace Jan 1893

Spent all day running a very slow scanner. It was attached to an even slower vintage Dell XP computer – but fortunately the Airness was willing to drive the scanner. Which made things go faster than they would have gone using the Dell. Thought you might like to see the US Marines storming Iolani Palace. Queen Lili’uokalani had decided not to fight, and the front gate was open… but the Marines decided to go over the fence. There were 3 or 4 interesting images. This is a part of one. Most of them  are best forgotten …

Men – And less than acceptable clothing choices

Old Man - Sans Pantaloons


Young Guy - In Whitie Tighties

Men. What can I say? Actually I would not put my bear ass over on those rocks where the old guy sits. As for the briefs – well – at least they were spotless – going in at least.

Fine lunch of shark, avocado, rice today. (Microwave Shark Steaks – season with something peppy – I used the last of the pepper jelly – seal up in a container. Nuke for 3 minutes. Let set about 2 minute. Open and Eat.)

scanning.scanning.scanning.more scanning…

gotta love yellow tangs

Spent most all of this cloudy day scanning photographs at Carlton’s palace. The ladies have over 50 years of photographs stored in frightening conditions. Fortunately most of them are sort of focused snap shots of ladies in muumuus. But, they still want them scanned. No one seems to have shot slides. But, they loved those “magnetic albums”. And pasting things into scrap books.

Sunday at the Seaside

Pool is full of large men and small kids.

I removed all the sad books and movies from the iPod. Even books that I suspect will end badly. I got the Airness  a new game.  All part of the plan to ease myself out of major restlessness/unresolved discontent.

Good news. We got the apartment all lined up for another year. What’s this “we”? I got it lined up. Rent will be less than $200 per month more. Works for me. Aside: I just remembered that the first apartment that I rented was $30 per month. Utilities included. I wonder if the building is still there?

1210 N. Oregon Street #10

Thank you Google Street View. Mrs. White’s apartment building is still standing. And, it looks like it is still an apartment building. It was called “The White House” in the day. Which was kind of a double joke – the best department store was “The White House Department Store”.

Saturday in exciting downtown kona.

Welcome to Kona - Were the Porta Potties Spend the Winter.

The lineup of potties is the first thing you see when you get off your cruise ship. Anybody have a clue why we are frequently bypassed by the ships.

Show a couple of interesting “fishy” things today – but I was not equiped with optimal gear either time.

Octopus and trumpet fish - viewed from the dock

I was out on the dock in my clothes early this morning an spied a really fine octopus from the dock. It went thru its entire color and texture repertoire while I watched. I didn’t want to watch him long enough to draw a crowd – octopus are a prize culinary catch – and I’d hate to be responsible for the demise of this splendid creature.

Later on my swim – I encountered a pair of really big scorpion fish. Didn’t have my camera. I watched them until I got cold. They didn’t do anything. Just sat on the bottom and looked like lumps of sand.

Been watching with some dismay the spineless budget process. Seems like we are going to cut health care for small kids and keep Viagra benefits for old men. Kill off Head Start but keep our expensive mercenary army so we can keep two wars going without inconveniencing ourselves or endangering our kids.

During the Gingrich era – some KnowNothing CongressPerson introduced a bill to abolish NOAA. After all, he said, we have The Weather Channel. That might be an urban legend – but it is a good one. And, I know that Senator Santorium actually introduced legislation to force NOAA to stop providing online weather about 5 or 6 years ago.

More Laid Back Today

It's a doggie life.

Don’t you love the homemade dog chariot?

Got out of my restlessness. At least for now. I had a lovely swim. And dolphin watched for about an hour. My cameras were in the room. I didn’t run back to the room to get the cameras. I just watched dolphins and went for another swim. Life is mellow again.


Another Day Another Sunset

Feeling a little restless. Whatever restless means. Carlton calls it “unresolved discontent”. Makes more sense than restless.

Had nuked stark for lunch today. With rice, avocado and pineapple. Nothing restless about that meal.

Just another day…

Arc Eye Hawkfish and Male Bird Wrasse

Not a very good winter for fish photography.

When it gets right down to it – it hasn’t been the very best of winters. Oh, it has been fine here in Hawai`i. But, it doesn’t seem to have been a really good winter for humankind.

But, ’tis not all doom and gloom – the daughter of she who must not be named no longer has a pre-release book offering on Amazon.

Dolphins Day


Lots of dolphins just outside my swimming range again today.

Hope everyone enjoyed the High Holy Day. I read that fewer people get married on Super Sunday than on any other day. I wonder if more decisions to divorce are made on Super Sunday than any other day?

I was just cleaning up the “kitchen” after our lunch yesterday. (Most excellent microwaved pot roast) The ex-footballers had just read the Declaration of Independence. Someone had just song America the Beautiful. Some other person was singing The Star Spangled Banner. I had just begun my rant about how very tired I was with all this faux patriotism, all this “Sunshine Soldiering”. When what should my ears hear “…twilight’s last reaming…” There just might be a goddess and she definitely has as sense of humor.

What I have done to get ready to head back to the east coast. Someday.

  1. Checked jeans – they still fit.
  2. Checked on the “warm” clothes. Was happy to find that I had stuffed a little cashmere hoody in my bag. I forgot about it. I thought I had to get home with just a cotton sweater.
  3. Stopped replacing the condiments.
  4. Got 2 flat rate boxes from the post office. I am NOT a pack animal.

No reason to rush away for the dolphins, but I figure we are down to our last 3 or 4 weeks left in Kona. Might as well face reality.

The daughter of she who must not be mentioned seems to be “writing” a book. Maybe she should start by reading a book.