Shanghaied Day 5.

Normal start of the day. Find the Sun. Do a mile around the deck. Drink coffee. Meet Christie for breakfast.
Boat is stopped in Freeport Grand Bahamas today. Absolutely no reason at all to get off the boat. So, I found a comfy chair in the shade and did some origami. Also watched the boats go by.
The big entertainment this morning, right next to the origami folding chair, was man overboard drill. They tossed his dummy overboard.

Interestingly, the dummy was dressed as a crewman not as a guest. Guess that makes sense.

In good time, the dummy was rescued. But I’m not sure the dummy survived.

First thing you know it’s lunch time. And it’s nap time. And now it’s book reading time. And it has gotten cloudy but it’s nice and cool. I think it might have rained but how would I know because I was napping in the sardine can.

Oops, it’s definitely raining right now. One of those lovely tropical rains. The heavens just open up. I’m completely drench everything in sight.

Tomorrow, we’re going to CoCo Cay. That would be Royal Caribbeans private water park. I have no interest in that either. But it seems horrible. I’m fairly certain I’ll get off just to look at it. Although I’m sure the kids like it. Kids being anybody under the age of 75 you understand.

Still having fun. Mostly reading and relaxing. And right now I’m enjoying this topical rainstorm all safe and dry on the deck.

Rain. Time to read a trashy novel..

One Reply to “Shanghaied Day 5.”

  1. Great picture of Oscar the overboard dummy….. (it is always named Oscar) When a person goes overboard, you hoist the O flag, hence Oscar.

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