
0706am. Sun coming up. That’s a start.
All is well in orchid land.
All is not well in elevator land.

But I have no control over the elevators.

Taking the day off today. My trigeminal neuralgia flareup continues. There aren’t too many shocks, but there is constant background pain and the potential for shocks remains. This just makes me tired. But tired is better than shocks.

Since it was above freezing, I headed for a 2-mile trek (round trip) to the new Amazon Grocery store.  I didn’t need anything (except fresh air and exercise and no computer). The Amazon Grocery was nothing special. Well except for the $10 off coupon. In the future I will continue on another couple of blocks to Trader Joe. If I need “ordinary” I can go next door to the Giant Grocery. Oh, I got coffee. And granola bars. Toothpaste. And $10 off.

Three weeks after the snow, it’s still a hazard to old woman walking.
Abandoned XCountry Skis. I guess this is a good omen?

Whoops – this just in:

Maybe I should have bought more coffee!


One Reply to “Sunday”

  1. So my brother and I booked a trip for April to Columbia. Once again DT is messing with our travel plans. In 2019 we had to walk the gauntlet to get on a plane to go to Egypt as the Egyptians were offended by his Muslim comments. And in 2022 he invaded the Ukraine right before our trip to the Balkans and Poland. Oh that’s right, it wasn’t him it was Putin…really, what’s the difference between them? Hopefully things will cool down by April. I’d hate to have my walking tour of exotic fruits cancelled because the actions of the orange scum.

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