Help. I am holding myself prisoner in my own apartment without internet. Without internet is either my fault for being too cheap or lazy to get FIOS. Or it could be the asylum’s fault for having really crappy wifi service.

The asylum is supposed to have major bucks in next year’s budget to fix the wifi. I will wait until next spring – if it is still seriously crappy – I’ll get FIOS.  Or maybe I’ll get a neighbor who has FIOS and I can borrow some bandwidth from them. But – my current neighbors are not of the online generation. I am the only one who cares about internet on my hallway.

Now, why am I on lock down in my apartment? The Summer Splash Calabash – that is why. It started with Senior Citizen Synchronized Swimming performance. Followed by a “Beachy” Cocktail Hour. And then a by reservation Summer Calabash Buffet dinner. Topped off with entertainment by the Beach Bumz. None of that sounds in the least bit like me. So, when asked if I would join a table or otherwise attend – I pled “Previous Engagement”. My “Previous Engagement” is dinner for one in the Old Bat Cave and a nice book. That is what any sane introverted nerd would do when faced with the Summer Splash Calabash.

Thinking about little luxuries:

1. Perrier. I love that stuff.
2. Uber.
3. Dark Chocolate.
4. Kona Coffee.
5. Smart Phones that work when wifi doesn’t. Hence this blog entry.
6. My door that when closed turns my apartment into a nice retreat. Making it is easy to forget that the Old Bat Cave is in the asylum with 500 of my closest really old friends.

Carlton: I could have said “I love you” more often, but I couldn’t have loved you more. And, I could have said “Thank you” more, but I couldn’t be more thankful for the life we had together.

2 Replies to “HELP!”

  1. Peg
    You had me at “beachy” cocktail hour !!!! I personally will ENDURE anything for a MAI TAI

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