
I just like this one.
I just like this one.
carpenter bee on my very own milkweed plant.
carpenter bee on my very own milkweed plant.
really small bug on my finger
really small bug on my fingernail

and finally


my Echinacea
my echinacea

Nice Sunday. Main amusement was working on my closeup photography. (see above)

Main physical activity was working as a field hand in the asylum cutting garden. That was enough to make me want to go back to work tomorrow to get some rest! It is 90 degrees.

A friend from the antipodes commented that the Queen might have a wee bottle of brandy in her purse – to help her get through all the idiots that she has to see. Sounds good to me!

The Republican Follies start tomorrow. Tomorrow’s theme is “Make America Safe Again”. I just hope no one is killed. On either side.

Sort of watching the Nats on TV. Makes me think that Mr C is still around. I think they are going into the 17th inning. If this were cricket – they would be stopping for a tea break soon!


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