Leftovers… from the last sunrise.

Saturday Sunrise - Looking East
Looking West
Saturday Sunrise - Enjoying the Sun

All you good folk in Delaware – Get out tomorrow and vote early and often for Christine O’Donnell. I think it is a closed primary. Pity.

Yesterday, I mentioned that I destroy earbuds. Well, I just checked my Amazon “Order History”. Turns out the pair that I have about demolished is 25 months old and the cost per day amounts to 9 cents per day. So, I am not as bad as I thought. New earbuds on order.

buggy day

At the big flea market

Today, I went to our neighborhood’s monthly big flea market. If you ever tossed something in the trash or a Goodwill Box – and decided that you wanted it back – our flea market is the place to come. You will find it.

On the way home with my treasure – a 50 cent dress – I went looking for butterflies. Found none. But this unknown bug is almost as colorful as the flea market.

unknown bug

I was slipping into a deep dark funk about the fate of life on the planet after the upcoming elections. Decided not to worry – as long as Obama is President.  We survived “The Contract on America” – even Bill Clinton survived. The republic will survive – but it will not be pretty. All bets are off, if come 2012 the tea potheads win the presidency. Will I be too old to live the ex-pat life? Ah, nobody is promised tomorrow and the first Tuesday in November 2012 is many tomorrows away.

Post Processing Today

Newly post processed Kanazawa Castle

Having been out of the loop, I did not know until this morning that S. Palin is scheduled to give a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 – the 47th anniversary of MLK’s “I have a dream…”. I have a nightmare.

I am setting out on a hour of serious culling of my Japanese images. Current count 2196. Will report back at 9:45 with an updated count. For now the objective is to stay on task. Updated count 2124. Not a lot of progress …

Save the Boob

It is not a very big boob. But, we small bosomed ladies have to stick together. Our “Let’s Make Virginia into Arizona” Attorney General has apparently been seen sporting a lapel pin with the bosom covered. Save Virtus’s titties!

In 1776, she had a nice pair of tits on our Virginia 4 dollar bill.

If she was good enough for George Washington, she should be good enough for Ken Cuccinelli.

No moving 2day

on the orange line

After I found myself unpacking a packed box because … well, I decided it was time to call a halt to all things moving until tomorrow.

It’s good to be a citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our governor has brought back “Confederate History Month”, but he seems to have forgotten that his team lost. And our Attorney General seems to have doubts about the constitutionality of the US Constitution. Bring back the Articles of Confederation. Hummm … Lots of confederate going on around here. Now, where is my Confederate money?

Moving, not all bad

Lucy in the trashroom, with recycling

In the old house, Lucy was on the wall. For the last six years Lucy has been in the back of my closet. Today, Lucy was in the trash room. Moving is not all bad.

Does anyone still use archival "printfiles" anymore?

I moved a whole pile of “printfiles” from the house. I haven’t used them. According to my rule – if you moved it 6 years ago and haven’t used it since – it doesn’t get moved again.

My beloved Fujitsu P1120 gets ready for donation

Today, I started working on donating still usable technology and recycling the rest.

Love the rightwingers.

  • Sarah tell her followers to  stop and and harass anyone with an Obama bumper sticker. That got my Obama T-shirt out of the drawer and on my back.
  • Some guy on Glenn Beck’s show says the the tanning salon tax in the health care bill is a racist attack on white folk.
  • And, the good people at the Heritage Foundation want to make March 23 “National EMP” day. Honest. Check it out.

I don’t think any of these are “April Fools” – just the folk on the scary edge of the Republican Party doing what they do best…

Oh Sarah, how I haven’t missed you

How much can I get in my fridge

Been hearing too much about Ms Palin the last few days. First, I heard that she said that is was god’s will that she was the vice presidential candidate. Which either proves that god has a sense of humor or that god wasn’t paying attention. Or that god is just a handy scapegoat – sort of like heading off to rehab after doing something unspeakable.

And this afternoon – the Internet tells me that Ms Palin has a contract with Fox “News”. Fox news is a lot like god. Something that has no place in my reality.

Note to family. Today at lunch Carlton said the didn’t wish to have his ashes taken out to sea. He would rather be left on dry land. BTW – I don’t think that lunch was bad enough to cause such a conversation. I think he was in a funeral mood because he brought me some flowers that were left over from a funeral that was held in the church were he preaches about all things missionary on Monday and Tuesday.

Glorious Summer Day

Yellowfin Goatfish
Yellowfin Goatfish

Today was a glorious warm sunny summer day. Above and below the water.

We continue feasting on meatballs. Today, I mixed up some salsa, catsup and mustard and nuked meatballs in that – which then was the basis for meatball subs. The Safeway here makes mighty good french rolls – which finished off the subs.

The food fairy provided 3 HUGE avocado today.

Wandered by the bookstore today. I am happy to report that there were plenty Sarah Palin books around, but Stephen King’s latest offering was running low.  Speaking of Sarah, didn’t someone tell her that only male elephants turn “rogue”.

Still waiting on “them” to tell us we don’t need so many colonoscopies!

She didn’t call

I am feeling unloved. Sarah Palin didn’t robocall our house. We faithfully picked up all the political calls. But no Sarah.

Or maybe I should rejoice that she doesn’t have my number. Because, I surely have hers.

Vote early and often and democratic today.


moon over arlington - fx01
moon over arlington - fx01

Decisions decisions decisions. No, not who to vote for tomorrow. I am going to vote for the foregone losers. The Democrats for Governor and Attorney General. But, the Republicans are going to win. And they are bad and worse. Before their terms are over, we Virginians will be wearing bags on our heads when we leave the state. Goodness but it is hard being a liberal  old woman in Virginia. Maybe it is hard anywhere in the US.

No my decision is about what to take to Kona. I will *NOT* check a bag. Left to my own devices, I’d mail a box with my clothes and a few creature comforts. But, Mr C doesn’t approve of spending money to mail stuff. To complicate matters – Mr C doesn’t take the carry-on size rules very seriously. Sooner or later he is going to get nailed and it will be ugly. All that I can do is pack a lightly as possible and hope for the best for Mr C and his massive bag + backpack + tennis rackets.

So, for me it is either my big camera or clothes. For now, the big camera is winning. I only have so many more years to take pictures left – and that new lens did cost more than my first new car … Of course, one could say that the lens would be safer left home. That would leave me some room in my carry-on for underdrawers.

I was also thinking “I should dress better in Hawai’i”. Then I said “How very haole.” In Hawai’i, how well you dress doesn’t matter. How well you dance, fish, cook, how good a friend you are  – these are the things that matter. Except maybe to some folk who are trying to move the mainland to Hawai’i.


flamingo - national zoo - L1 w/new lens
flamingo - national zoo - L1 w/new lens

No new pictures today. Volunteer, rain storm, and a nap derailed photography.

Just curious: I wonder what sarah palin is doing for health insurance these days? Unfortunately I fear that any sort of real health care reform is toast. And that it will be another 15 years before the democrats decide to try again. Is it uncharitable for me to hope that all the screaming lunatics end up waiting on line for free care when Remote Area Medical comes to their town?

nobody is promised tomorrow

full fridge
full fridge

The fridge is full, the new lens is in the house. Life should be good today. But, the Lion of the Senate sleeps. Life in not good today. Peace and comfort, Senator Kennedy. I can not remember a time where there wasn’t a Kennedy in political life.