I seem to be doing lots of “wild life” photography lately.
I am trying to chill out about health care reform. And not watch old people making fools of themselves yelling about “socialized medicine”. I haven’t seen any of them buring their medicare cards. OOPS, I am getting un-chilled.
“People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless”
Like President Obama, I wasn’t really born in the USA. I was born in West, BY GOD, Virginia. And, if anyone thinks that WV is a part of the USA – well, they haven’t been there. Radio announcers used to say “Good Morning America, and you too West Virginia”. Heck, I was over 50 before I would admit that I was born there.
Are there no Republicans out there with both brains and guts enough to shout down the “base”? It is a sad day for the grand ole party when I look back fondly at Newt Gingrich.
I recall that the Republic survived the KnowNothing Party – yes, boys and girls, in the 40’s and 50’s (1840’s) there was a Know Nothing Party, whose platform included such popular themes as:
Severe limits on immigration especially of Catholic
Restricting political office to native-born Americans – but not black, native Americans or women
Mandating a wait of 21 years before an immigrant could gain citizenship
You may not agree with his politics, but you have to admit – that boy knows where to go for a great takeout dinner when the Mrs is working late.
Bill Clinton waiting in line for his to-go meal at Tenleytown’s Z Burger on Saturday night. Blue polo shirt with his eyeglasses clipped into the collar. Posed for photos and signed autographs during his 30-minute stay before leaving with dinner — double burger (hold the mayo), onion rings, french fries, apple pie, milkshake. – this morning’s Washington Post
Sarah Palin – It is rumored that she will sue anyone who – as we say in Hawaii – talk stink – about her. Or as MomIda would have said “If you can not say something nice…”. Seems to me that suing folk for talk stink would just about end your political career. Which would be a really good thing in Sarah’s case. If she promises retire to private life, I’ll promise not to mention her again.
Note to Family: Today Carlton asked me to look up Rapp Funeral Home on the internet. Someone told him it was the cheapest place in the area to get cremated. So, here it is: Rapp Funeral and Cremation Services Another sign of advancing years I am guessing. Or maybe just too much Michael Jackson.
What the hell is going on? There was a shooting at “my” Apple Store this morning.
And Sarah Palin says byebye to being govenor of Alaska. Good for Alaska. Bad for the rest of us. Something must be up. Is she going to give Rush Limbaugh a run for his money as a rabid talk radio host? Is the law closing in?
My bet is on the talk radio hostess. Or the law. Or just terminal hubris. She just will not go away.
Neither will Michael Jackson – and he is dead.
Today, I went to Hillwood Museum in NW DC. It was Marjorie Merriweather Post’s house and is now a “house museum”. That lady lived large. She was only child of Mr. Post Cereal and was married to, among others, EF Hutton. She could afford to live large. Her house makes all of the suburban Mac Mansions appear even more pathetic. She had a safe in her closet that is as big is my fridge. Her kitchen is as big my apartment and I doubt that she ever went in it. Why would she. She had a staff of 50.
More magnolia shots – this one with the cheap old little FX01. Not as good as with the big one – but not bad either.
Al Franken, finally got elected to the Senate. I wonder if he gets back pay from January. There is hope for Kinky Friedman.
When I was having blood testing related to my blood pressure meds – “they” decided that my “bad” cholesterol needed lowering. So what? Everyone’s bad cholesterol needs lowering. I am going to ignore my Bad cholesterol. That is what I have been doing for years.
“They” also found microscopic evidence of blood in my urine. Well, if you read up on it – lots of old folk have that. And most of the time “they” can find no cause. Less than 2% of the time is it cancer somewhere up the line. And, if it is, do I want to know? So, I think I am going to ignore that too. Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Nobody gets out alive anyhow.
Well, maybe just a minute to acknowledge Gov. Sanford. Can you imagine “Oh honey, I was just out hiking the Appalachian Trail”. I feel sorry for all the married men who really are on Appalachian Trail…. Gotta love politicians. Those boys just can’t keep it zipped up.
Well, this sure looks better than yesterday’s version.
And let us take a little timeout from blog tinkering and pig flu prep to welcome Senator Specter to the Blue Team. I always liked him. Except for Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas of course. Some grudges you can hold forever. Or at least as long as Thomas is on the highest court. Which will be longer than Mr Specter or I will be around.
Flu prep. My hospital’s ER had the busiest day it ever had on Monday. Everybody who sneezed showed up. In the bowels of the hospital we are busily fitting people with N95 masks. And wondering where was all this flu concern last fall, last fall when we were trying get people to get flu shots.
I think I might learn to like this WordPress thing.