Neither today’s nor yesterday’s image work for me. And I do think bikers should be in black and white. Otherwise they look too festive or too much like the Village People.
I tweaked yesterday’s guy with dog….
Nobody is Promised Tomorrow. . .
Neither today’s nor yesterday’s image work for me. And I do think bikers should be in black and white. Otherwise they look too festive or too much like the Village People.
I tweaked yesterday’s guy with dog….
First day of Summer. Bikers rolled in about noon. They will rumble around until Sunday afternoon.
First day of pool season as well. The current Russian Life Guard Girl is from Siberia. She said the water was too cold for her. I lounged. I am real good at lounging.
I am not too shabby about ignoring the potential for homelessness come later this summer.
This week has been devoted to “Looking at apartment options”. And Mr C was gleefully looking forward to haggling over the new lease. I was just going to hide until everything was settled.
Well, late yesterday afternoon – out landlord rings up and says that the co-owner of our unit is declaring bankruptcy and that the status of the unit is undetermined.
To be continued later …
Snagged a nice iris on the way home from the “office” this afternoon.
Looked at another apartment complex this afternoon. Kitchen is small with 20 year old appliances, no microwave and has a mini-washer&dryer. Mr C likes the place because it has a tennis court. Mr C doesn’t get appliances.
Did you know that there is an iPod app for Jehovah’s Witnesses? It allows the faithful to keep track of all the folk they are pestering. Sorts them out by street, tells you when to go back and leave off another issue of the Watchtower.
I happened on this app when looking for an app to record what I am doing while I am volunteering. Decided that a scrap of paper and a pencil is all the app I need for that.
And, my iPod developed a problem connecting to my wifi network. This seemed to fix things:
In some cases you may need to reset the network settings for your device. To do this, choose Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
(From Apple Support on Web)
Looked at 3 apartment complexes this afternoon. One was rejected because the units are too small, the other as too old and musty, the last one costs as much as our current digs – but the kitchen isn’t as nice.
This might be the end of Iris Quest for this year. Because tomorrow, we might start on Apartment Quest. Our lease runs out this summer. And Carlton wants to be sure we don’t overpay when we Re-Up. Assuming re-up is an option. Anyhow, tomorrow afternoon, we may (or may not) hit the bricks looking for new digs. New digs have to be within walking distance of current digs. New digs have to be as nice as current digs.
Really special shot from NASA – your tax dollars, boys and girls, so enjoy
Food. Got a couple of pork tenderloins off the distressed counter at the grocery this morning. The pork tenderloin is a hopeless cut of meat. Devoid of flavor. Much like the boneless, skinless chicken breast. Only porcine. But, the price was right and I needed something to anchor next week’s dinners.
Well, it wasn’t bad. This is what I did.
Oven – preheat to 500 degrees
Slather tenderloins in mustard and pepper with gusto
Oil the little iron skillet
Tenderloins go in the skillet – wedging a cut up apple into any empty spaces
(Onions would work, and if Carlton wasn’t eating – garlic would be great)
Cook 10 minutes in oven
Turn the tenderloins over
Cook another 10 minutes
Remove from skillet – tent with foil
Let stand 10 – 15 minutes.
Now, it was still light in the flavor catagory. But, it wasn’t completely dried out.
This is not a cookbook blog – I just want to save these cooking directions so I can cook pork tenderloins again – if they show up 1/2 price on the distressed meat counter again.
Took the FX01 on my forced march this morning. Weather and iris left much to be desired.
About a week ago I realized that I was a digital pack rat. An old woman with too much stuff. Digital Stuff. Well, after a week, my inbox is still empty, and the Hawaii photos from 2001 have been culled and cataloged. Next week, I plan to finish up 2001. Moving right along.
Carlton is watching horse racing. I was always sort of neutral about horse racing, but after last year – when they put Eight Belles down on the track after she came in second. And after Barbaro in 06. So, I am here in the living room, with Carlton watching horse racing on TV. And, I am listening to my “Final Exit” Play List – loud. I hope no horses have to die today so American white women can wear big hats. Black women can wear big hats every Sunday morning. And British woman can wear big hats when ever the Queen comes to visit. But, American white women sacrifice horses to justify wearing big hats.
Took some iris pictures today. But, I am temporarily bored with iris. Found this memento of cold war era on a church wall. In the early 21st century we consider making Faraday cages out of oatmeal boxes and tin foil. Sure they will work as well as the church basement would have.
It was grey and damp today – so, the big camera stayed on the shelf. I took a slightly different route home and was rewarded with this fine iris.
Making real progress cataloging and deleting photographs from Hawaii 2001. When I worked for the curator at Harpers Ferry Park – we had to archive stuff that belonged to Henry McDonald. He was the President of Storer College in the 1930’s and that man never threw anything away. And he was very frugal – using the back of calenders, old letters, etc for note paper. And, he saved newspaper clippings. I called him Henry Ain’t Got No Trashcan McDonald. I may be morphing into a digital version of old Dr McDonald.
Today’s entry in the quest for a good iris – well, it doesn’t make the cut. Will have to try harder tomorrow. Taken with the FX01 on the way to “work”.
On the way home walking down the street where I live – I snapped off a picture of the lunch time crowd.
I loved the image this guy made – with his Bose noise cancelling earphones. Either the recession has not hit this gentleman – or he has had the ‘fones for a while.
WordPress – been using it for 2 weeks now. Really like it. All the tedious stuff is taken care of as if by magic.