Here it is. The beginning of summer. The last two
years we left on Memorial Day weekend headed for Alaska. That was
a great adventure. I am glad we did it. Real soon now, I am going
to start getting ready to go to Lowell. But, somehow - Massachusetts
doesn't seem to require the preparation that Alaska did.
Back in my smallkidtime - Memorial Day was "celebrated"
in Mom's family by going to graveyards. And Dad insisted that Memorial
Day was a damn northern holiday. (This insistence in no way interfered
with grilling and drinking festive beverages.)
This year, I'll most likely go down to the Mall mostly
to see the local motorcycle clubs and their "rolling thunder"
parade. (I still have a position in Harley Davidson stock.) And
then hit the Falls Church Memorial Day parade - which is a whole
lot like the Medora North Dakota July 4th Parade. Of course, doing
all this requires the subway. And "they" have the subway
Today - I got my backup software fired up. Got the
whole system backed up. Hopefully, this is just a huge waste of
money and I'll never need the system backup. But, I am going to
attack the system and try to get the scanner to work the way I want
it to - as opposed to the way XP Pig wants it to work... So, I might
be needing to do a "restore".