falls church va
mon 7-jul-03

After the afternoon shower - 07.jul.03.

Got some stuff ready to go to the thrift shop. Some (but not all) of the shoes that started the lady shoe crisis are on the block.

Carlton and I had a serious talk about moving today. I want to get rid of some of my junk and I want my kitchen fixed and maybe just maybe I would like some real furniture for "my" room. My bookcases are made out of cinder blocks, my computer table is an old door on top of an aquarium stand and file cabinet that I took off a trash dumpster. My chair is a stool picked up on trash day from a neighbor's trash. My printer stand is an old army trunk. My scanner stand is a two milk crates - also taken from someone's trash.

So, I could get rid of my junk. (Started that today). I could get my kitchen spiffed up. And, I might even go to Ikea (that is Swedish for particle board) and get real office furniture. (Or I could buy more computer and camera toys!)

Carlton wants to not have to "worry" about the house. He admits he could hire a "handyman". That doesn't do anything for the worry part.

But, we would both really like to live closer to the subway. Will have to do a cost benefits analysis.


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