falls church
tue 7-oct-03

charlie the neighborhood cat - 07.0ct.03

Our return today didn't appear to please charlie the cat. He enjoys lounging around in private, using my planter boxes for litter boxes and generally doing important cat stuff. Humans are not included in his plans.

Which makes one wonder "What were Seigfreid and Roy thinking?" I imagine that at this instant Seigfreid and Roy's tigers are lounging by the pool or whatever they do - and one says to the other "Who would have thunk it? We bite Roy in the neck - and now we don't have to do those silly shows. We could have bitten Roy's head off years ago". May Roy recover - but may tigers everywhere get to be tigers.

And - today is election day in California. Bless the founding fathers. At least we know that neither Arnold nor Adriana can run for president.


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