sun 28-mar-04
rockmover wrasse - 26.mar.04
Nothing much going on today either.
The large herd of Mormon kids left Saturday noon. All the "big" rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors had at least 4 kids. The "adult supervision" had some of the rooms on the first floor. Everyone was glad to see them go.
They were replaced by a softball team and a bowling team.
Tonight - we seem to be down to us hard core residents in the cheap seats on the top floor. Spring break is over for the local kids. Tranquility may return. BUT a circus is coming to town next week. Maybe they will stay here.
Carlton is working at the Adobe big bucks dinner tonight. But we are having a little blessing at the moment - blessing that would be Hawaiian-speak for rain. And the event is outside. That should be interesting. It might interfere with the martini fountain.