falls church
tue 8-jun-04
Decked - 08.jun.04
Yesterday afternoon, I was Tom Sawyered into helping put some sealer on the deck. Three hours of fun in the sun with Carlton. Today, the deck is "curing" - and I am curing too. If the deck can rest, then so can I. I intend to cure at least as long as the deck does.
Went to the library today to see if, perchance, they had a collection of early 1950's white guy CD's. Figured if I was really lucky - they would have a splendid collection of Les Elgart and Norrie Paramor records. (Then I could stop transferring Carlton's records to CD) No such luck. But, I did get a book about Medieval Housekeeping and a biography of Warren Harding written by John Dean.
I love libraries. Every year when I pay my property taxes - I tell myself that every cent of my $3,000 plus goes to my library. And, frankly, its a bargain.
Our town is getting ready for total shut down caused my massive security and traffic jams for the Reagan funeral festivities. Local news is full of all the practicing going on today. Polishing up the churches. Buffing the horses. Oiling the canons. But, one of the young Army Specialists who is with the horses said "The lowest 2nd Lt. is entitled to as much respect as an ex-president". To those of you who are not Army brats - he wasn't disrespectful of privates. But, enlisted types don't get horses at their funerals. Even if they have received the Congressional Medal. RHIP.