falls church
tue 22-jun-04
back to my room AGAIN
Around noon today - we signed up a Real Estate Lady to sell our house.
Before she left - Real Estate Lady went into my room and just sort of stared at the CD's hanging from the ceiling. "Yes sir, I know they will have to come down." Then she spies my scanner, printer, shredder setup. This must go. Oh and "Do Something about that book case". She wants it to look like a grown up uses the room. And cleanup your table.
Before she came I decide to start small. How hard can it be to completely blitz a couple of small bath rooms? Right, lots harder than you expect when you figure someone will be looking at it and saying "For what they are asking for this place - at least they could have cleaned the toilet properly."
After a late lunch, I took to my bed chamber for a nap. The nap didn't help. I am still exhausted. And this is just day one.