falls church
tue 29-jun-04
Lobby of Library Court Apts - 29.jun.2004
Day 8 of the Moving Adventure.
Took the entire day off - so far - from deaccessioning. Checked out a couple of possible apartments. The lobby of this one reminds me of an up market urban funeral parlor. But, it is new, has a garage, is within an easy walk of the subway, is across the street from tennis courts, a park and the main branch of the Arlington library. It is about 6 blocks from a grocery. The units have usable balconies. But no real view.
It is so easy to use Outlook Express and the Microsoft Browser. But, I have just about gotten tired of a new threat every other week. I have always used Opera as a backup browser. Never really liked the Opera email client. Today, I down loaded Mozilla. I'll putter around with it. Try out it's email client. Mozilla looks a lot like Netscape without the AOL crap. Which is what it is.
Remember when the Internet was new and called The World Wide Web? Remember how excited we all were by Netscape 1.0?