falls church
wed 7-jul-04
sheeps - summer of '97
Day 14 of the Moving Adventure.
Made a major dent in getting my photo collection ready to move. I decided that I am not throwing out a single photo. I'll move them. And, then maybe, just maybe cull things down. Same with the negatives.
But, I found these sheep. Way back in the summer of 1997, Carlton and I were "booth bimbos" at the North Dakota State Fair. From time-to-time we would escape and take in some of the Fair events. Who knew that sheep have little custom made suits?
The Day the Music Died - February 3, 1959.
It was at this Fair that I learned that Carlton had never heard of Buddy Holly.
We were walking back to our hotel one night after a hard day of booth tending
- when I hear "The Crickets". Not the insect - but Buddy Holly's
band. No - couldn't be, could it. But, we brave the mosquitoes and follow
our ears. Sure enough, it is "The Crickets". They apparently got
together every summer and went on the road for a couple of months. I had to
explain to Carlton who Buddy Holly was. Their plane was headed to North Dakota.