falls church
tue 20-jul-04
Kitchen returns to normal - 20.jul.04
Day 28 of the Moving Adventure.
Another day recovering from getting to the "SOLD" state.
I did take a Miata load of stuff to the Salvation Army today. And I bought myself a "sewing box" to replace the "sewing drawers" in my built in chest in my room.
Also, Carlton had some minor skin cancer surgery in a really nasty place - on his lip. So, he is sort of consigned to light duty for a couple of days. Will try to keep him off the tennis courts. All he would need to do is take a ball or racket in the face.
July 20 is a good day for Armstrongs. Our boy Lance Armstrong has taken the lead in Le Tour and 35 years ago today - Neal Armstrong took his famous moonwalk. If you missed it - the NASA web site has the original TV feed. See it at: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/space/features/apollo11_35th.html