falls church
tue 27-jul-04
can this be the new kitchen - 27.jul.04
Day 36 of the Moving Adventure.
Went to see Carlton's new place. Brand new place. Never occupied. I tried hard to look like a responsible little old lady. Someone who would look trust worthy. Someone who would take good care of a new condo. It was all for naught. Turns out that I had worked with the owner in the mid-1980's. We both worked for a very interesting company. The president of the company ended up with his photograph on the wall in every Post Office in the country. He may still be a guest of Uncle Sam somewhere.
The place is brand new. And as are all new places - small. It has a kitchen window. I thought I'd never have a kitchen window again. And it has a little faux fireplace. Unlike most of the rental places it has a linen closet. Two linen closets in fact.
It looks like a go. I'll be getting very detailed measurements and will be darn sure that everything that goes over will fit.