tue 7-jun-05
Got Carlton at new tube of ChapStick today. Life is returning to normal. My son-in-law offered to get Carlton a case of Army surplus ChapStick.
And what else can you do with ChapStick? A tube of ChapStick lasts a long time -- so I guess they have to think up ways to get us to use more.
- Prevent car battery corrosion. Smear ChapStick on clean car battery terminals.
- Lubricate a zipper. Rub ChapStick along the teeth of the zipper to make it zip smoothly.
- Moisturize skin. Rubbing ChapStick on your face protects the skin from windburn while snow skiing.
- Remove a ring stuck on a finger. Coat finger with ChapStick and slide the ring off.
- Lubricate nails and screws. Nails and screws rubbed with ChapStick will go into wood more easily.
- Groom a mustache or eyebrows. A little ChapStick will keep the ends of a mustache waxed together and keep bushy eyebrow hairs in place.
- Shine leather shoes. In a pinch, rub ChapStick over the leather and buff with a dry, clean cloth.
- Lubricate furniture drawers and windows. Rub ChapStick on the casters of drawers and windows so they slide open and shut easily.
- Prevent hair coloring from dying your skin. Rub ChapStick along your hairline before coloring your hair.
you don't know if these folk are serious or just have too much free time.
Check it out.