fri 18-nov-05

trevor - kona - 2005

Starting to plan a summer trip for the Grannies. Granny Doris wants to avoid political troubles and Granny Peggy wants to avoid intestinal troubles. Other than that - we are "exploring our options".

I'll be leaving soon for Hawai'i, but will set up some sort of trip idea page so we can keep track of "our options".

  1. Hui Pu - I know the ohana that owns this lovely beach house. Maybe they would rent it to me for a couple of weeks - at the kama'aina rate! It consists of two houses and has lots of room for an entire extended family. (a little hawaiian: ohana = family, kama'aina = local folk)
  2. The Ticino region of Switzerland. All surrounded by Italy. Seems to me it has a lot to offer. Food, wine and scenery for the grannies and shopping and lots of Europeans on holiday plus a small dose of glamor. Only a couple of hours away by train from Milan.
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