fri 2-dec-05
cattle class - SEA to KOA
I am the red chair, Carlton is the blue one. All the chairs in cattle class are taken.
Carlton has the alarms set for 0400 hours.
We leave for the airport at 0500 hours.
Plane leaves when ever. We are supposed to get to Kona at about 2100 hours Koa time. Body time it will be 0200 hours on Sunday. These econo tickets are look less good all the time.
Oh, yes - the travel menu - ham and cheese on croissants. Chocolate. And mini bagels. And - CHEESE CRACKERS. When I was a kid programmer - there was a move afoot to try to prove that computer programming was a science and not black art. We real programmers maintained that programming couldn't be a science because no laboratory animal could exist on a diet of only cheese crackers and burnt coffee. But programmers did.
Speaking of black arts. My email service wanted to know which holidays I would like on my calendar. You know, christian, hindu, buddhist, etc... one of the choices was pagan. You can imagine what holiday's I selected.