tue 3-jan-06
needlefish - 03jan06
Catch of the day - needlefish. They are always around. But are hard for me to photograph - because they hang around just inches below the surface.
lobbyist scum bag Abramoff - Just saw him coming out of court on the news
after copping a plea - what a fine outfit he is wearing. That big bad expensive
black raincoat and big black hat were definitely selected to strike terror
in the hearts for former "friends".
The Menu: Lunch - Chicken and avocado sandwiches. And tangerines. (Remember, tangerines and avocados are free.) Dinner - thinking about nuking some veggie sausages and eggs. Add a chunk of banana bread. In past years I have made nuked scrambled eggs. This year I have been sort of poaching them. Only thing you have to remember is to stick a knife point in the yoke. You don't need any special "microwave poacher" thingie. Just nuke about 1 minute and let sit for 2 minutes. This makes the egg "well done" which is how Carlton likes them.