sun 15-jan-06
whale watching - 15jan06
Went out to the Old Airport Beach this morning to look for whales and to watch men fly their radio controlled planes. Lots of radio controlled planes. Only one whale.
I am thinking it about time to start looking for new digs for next winter. We have stayed in the same room in this nice clean but very modest hotel. They always welcomed us back and made it seem like they really appreciated the fact that we rented up a 3rd floor walkup room for months at a time. But, nothing lasts forever. Rates are going up. Way up. The public areas are not as clean as they once were. Management seems unwilling to quote us a rate for next year. So, it may be time to come up with "Plan B". Our Canadian friends have decided on their Plan B - They will be in Mexico next winter. I think our Plan B will be other digs here. Plan C might be somewhere in the Virgin Islands ... Don't think Carlton would be up for Mexico. Be it everso warm, nice or cheap.
The Menu: Lunch - Yellowfin tuna (ahi) nuked with carrots and pineapple core. And rice. Dinner - Planning to have sandwiches for dinner.