arlington, va
tue 12-sep-06
Not very special magnolia...
Continuing with our Free Software project... And now for a full bodied image editor. The Gimp. Price is right - $0.00 Check it out at
Gimp is not as slick as Open Office, but it isn't supported by Sun Microsystems either.
I have a great *need* for new toys. Lots of toys. Expensive toys. MORE TOYS. Some ladies need shoes - I see no need for more than one pair teva, one pair flipflops and one pair cowboy boots. For me it would be TOYS. Major lust for the Sony UX90s... Check it out. Not a reason on the planet to get that bad boy. 3K - poof. Gone just like that. I'll sip a little cheap wine and continue downloading free software until the desire wanes.