Wednesday June 6, 2001 6:11 AM
Skagway Alaska

It is day 5 since I caught this infection, virus, plague whatever it is. Yesterday, I had no voice. None. Just a helpless croaking sound. Carlton is not up yet, so I haven't really tested the voice yet - but I am not holding out much hope.

Then again, in my line of work - I don't need to talk much. Carlton is a whole different story. I think one of the reasons they wanted him back was to do walks and talks early in the season whilst the new interpreters are learning their lines. But, his voice has been missing too.

We get 3 days off every other week. Our three days starts tomorrow. But, we have no plans. Maybe we'll be well by our next 3 day-er and can go somewhere. Enough of my whining.

On the positive side, I puttered around with the Washington Post's "My Washington Post" options yesterday and now it is easier to find my favorite comics. We can get daily papers at the local bookstore - but not in time for me to have Doonesberry with my AM Coffee.}


Today's logbook entry
maps, problems, etc
hardware/software who knows what

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