falls church
tue 9-apr-02 19:14

You gotta love those Brits! The sun may have set on the Empire - but they sure know how to have a funeral. But, now that the Queen Mum has gone - what member of the British Royal Family am I going to like?

Best part of the funeral was on the ever tasteless Fox New channel. I had been watching the BBC feed, where they assume that you know what is going on. For some reason, I switch over to Fox, just in time to hear the US based announcers saying of the Spitfires flying over "They tried to defend London during the war". The British guy say "They DEFENDED London - they are the 'few'!!!" To which our highly learned US announcer says "The few????"

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
Winston Churchill August 20, 1940
House of Commons

Ah, the American intellect... a fright to behold. When the sun sets on our empire - and it surely will - what will our legacy be?