falls church
Thu 13-jun-02 17:45

Yesterday evening, I was very tired, hot and crabby. Went out the toss the veggie scraps on the compost pile. Well, Mother Nature had let the lighting bugs loose in the back yard. I had never seen so many lighting bugs. Tried to take a picture , but - no surprise - I failed. We haven't been in lighting bug country in a long time - so it was good to see them again.

Almost ready to go. Everything that has to fit - fits into the Miata. And, a friend sent a wonderful pareau from Tahiti. It is going to Massachusetts - but wouldn't it be happier in Beliez? Wouldn't I? We'll see.

More articles in the paper today - telling us all about "Dirty Bombs" - and how they really will not hurt us. Sure as hell wouldn't help the real estate value in area. But, it might help traffic congestion.