kailua-kona, hi
mon 16-dec-02 14:14

christmas photo - hulihe`e palace 15.dec.2002

Spent the better part of today working on this image. Everyone wants an 8 x 10 copy. I am more than willing to get that many copies made. But, I want to be sure that everyone looks as good as possible.

What we have is Etu'a Lopes and his hula halau. The young girls compete in various hula competitions. Hula competitions in Hawaii are every bit as serious as Pop Warner Football is in Texas. The older women, the kapuna, just dance for fun.

After yesterday's concert Etu'a lined everyone up on the front steps of the Palace so I could take a picture. It took him at least 10 minutes to get everyone arranged to his satisfaction. So, the pressure is on for a great picture. Suitable for next year's Xmas card.

In case you were wondering: Monday night football comes on at 6:30 here. It actually starts at 4:00 PM, but they save it.

One of Hawaii's representatives to Congress died before the election. She won anyhow. (Hey if Strom Thurmond can be a Senator - why not elect a dead lady to the House!) They are having a special election to fill her seat. Steve Case's (AOL founder) brother is expected to win.