Early this morning, the hospice folk send their girl social worker
to access how well James and I are bearing up...The highlight is
when Girl Social Worker asks James "Are you eating well?"
"Enormously well" says James.
Later the hospice chaplain Rocky stops in. Father Rocky. Has a
good ring to it. We have just said goodbye to Rocky, when Mom's
Episcopal Priest arrives - with last rites kit in hand. I stand
respectfully by - but the whole "body and blood" business
always leave me a little queasy.
Mom is still hanging on . I think she is getting weaker and she
is definitely going into liver failure.
So far, when we call the hospice folks answer. Last night we had
a problem and within the hour they were at the apartment. But, none
of this would be possible without Dora and Concha.
Mom remains positive, and still isn't taking any medication or
pain killers. If we can get her on her way to the next level without
fear and without pain - then we win.