el paso, tx
sat 18-jan-03 18:32

Some take caregiving more seriously than others - 01.18.03

Mom seems to be sleeping more. We were told to expect that. I think the hospice folks tell people that the patient will sleep because, sleeping doesn't seem so bad.

Hospice is really sort of scary. I mean, you become the doctor and the hospital and 911. It wouldn't work without Dora and Concha.

I spent the day getting the card setup for the "This is why you will not be hearing from Ida" card. She wanted us to "just get some to those preprinted cards from the funeral home". Excuse me...James and I are rather useless. But, I am a photographer and he is a writer. But available light still life photos are a bit challenging sans tripod.  

Oh dear, I just took leave of my senses. I told Dora to go home and I would hold down the fort until Concha arrives two hours from now... James is doing dinner at La Union Station. I am getting too fat to keep up with him eating wise.