on the porch - 24.feb.03
Best thing today was whales. All manner of whale activity. Some
of the best activity was right out in Kailua Bay. No way my camera
could take a picture of the whales - but, I did snap a great white
on the porch.
Okay, why am I opposed to Mr Bush's war? (1) what has Saddam Hussein
done to me lately? (2) I will admit that he is not a nice man -
but there are lots of "not nice" men in charge of countries
(3) it doesn't seem very nice for our side to kill a bunch of civilians
to take out Saddam (4) I believe that who ever comes after Saddam
will be a whole bunch worse guy - both for the US and the Iraqi
people. The new leader will not be an old-fashioned despot like
Saddam, but a fundamentalist Muslim leader.
Hopefully, I am wrong and the Iraqi people will greet the US troops
as liberators. And democracy will flourish. And pigs will fly.