sun 12-dec-04
Spent yesterday using my elderly computers as a recording studio for Carlton. Also looked (on line) at Apple stuff. Why is Apple stuff white? Don't they get dirty? Get sort of dingy looking like my dish towels. Is there an Apple Cleaner?
Today - Carlton re-injured his back. Woe is upon our house. He was almost back to OK. Now he is back to almost can not move. Sigh.
Another woe. Too bad that Bernie Kerik didn't make it as the Homeland Security Ober-Führer. You just had to know that he was going to be great theater and fun to watch. But what were the Republicans thinking when they nominated him in the first place? Who would think a NYC Police commissioner would be clean enough to pass Congressional muster?
Oh well, we still have Senator Tom, the lesbians are on the loose, Coburn. He will be fun.