tue 14-dec-04


OK - He's done it. No more Mrs NiceGuy. It's open season on BushBoy.

President Bush awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tommy Franks, the now-retired Army general who led the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq; former CIA director George Tenet, who told Bush it was a "slam dunk" that Iraq still had weapons of mass destruction; and L. Paul Bremer, who presided over the first 14 months of Iraq reconstruction.

Past recipients have included Mother Teresa, Mr. Rogers, Rosa Parks and Pope John Paul II.

As for the lusted after MP3 Player. Sort of leaning towards the iPod camp. I think it might be easy enough for a Carlton to operate. (Once loaded with tunes of course) It just feels good to hold. Sounds Great. Downside - no radio. Need to have special drivers on you PC.

Today's Movie was Manchurian Candidate - the 1962 version. We are having Movie Time every afternoon to help Carlton recover from his back injury.

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