mon 3-jan-05

Red Dot Fever Continues.

On Friday my so called health insurance company announced the premium for the next 6 months. $4,430 bucks. Today Carlton decided to get me a cheaper insurance company. Just spent an hour on the phone telling the insurance clerk all about me. And my various infirmaries. The medical system in the US is busted. Help,I have fallen and can not get up!

Help,I have fallen and can not get up!, that describes Iraq too. Any chance that we can just "Declare victory and leave". I know, we broke the place. But, us staying there isn't helping anyone. Only getting our kids and their citizens real dead. So, lets just do a huge mia culpa leave.

In about 2 weeks, DC will be awash with boot wearing Republican fat cats. Coming to town for the coronation of King George 2. We are leaving town on January 16 for sunny Kona. Hopefully, will miss any sort of "enhanced" security at the airport.

On the off chance, I get new, cheaper health insurance, maybe I can get treatment for red dot fever!





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