thu 28-apr-05
This is a real photograph. Not a Photoshopped thing. About a dozen buffalo escaped near an upmarket subdivision up Baltimore way. The local cops rounded up the critters and parked them on a tennis court.
Signed up for to Spanish lessons today. I was going to wait until Carlton decides what he wants to do this summer. But, by then it will be too late sign up. Why Spanish? Well, in our part of the country, all of the "service" people are Hispanic. We have several Spanish TV channels. (Even with our non-cable setup.) We have free Spanish newspapers at the subway stop. Our library has a large Spanish section. So, I figure I can get with the program and learn Spanish or sit around and grump "This is Amerka - why don't they learn to speak Amerkan?" That attitude will not do me one bit of good when I need something done by someone who doesn't speak Amerkan.
I am going to take Spanish at a "Senior Center" (THE HORROR) that is about a 25 minute walk away from the apartment. That will be a good way to get my exercise in as well.