mon 20-jun-05

A real do nothing sort of a day.

  1. Went to see Senator Warner, Rep Morin, Rep Davis hold a town hall meeting about the BRAC Report. (That would be the plan to move 23,000 DOD employees out of Arlington.) It was a good reason for a walk and good theater.
  2. Thought about the question of taking my little computer to europe.
  3. Cleaned the kitchen.
  4. Went to the pool.
  5. Worked on organizing, labeling and culling my thousands of photos - before I get more.
  6. Studied my spanish.
  7. And tried to explain 2001: A Space Odyssey to Carlton. Nobody said being old is easy!

First Stop - Bruges/Brugge - See the web cam view of town center.
Salvator Hotel - The cheap digs in Bruges.



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